Types of Public Transportation Accidents in NYC

What is the process for filing a personal injury claim against the City of New York?

Public transportation is the preferred mode of transportation for many New Yorkers and tourists. With parking increasingly difficult across the city, public transportation offers convenience and fuel cost savings. Public transportation options in New York City include the subway, buses, taxis, bicycles, and trains. While most of us taking public transportation will arrive at our destinations unscathed, at times accidents do occur, resulting in injury. Our NYC municipal liability lawyers take a look at some types of public transportation accidents that could happen in the city and your legal rights should you suffer an injury while using public transportation.

Subway Accidents

The New York City subway system is one of the oldest public transportation systems in the world. The subway system is owned by the City of New York and connects the boroughs of Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, and the Bronx. Subway accidents range in severity from minor slip and falls to major subway collisions.

Perhaps the most common accident to occur in the subways are falls. Passengers may slip and fall while walking down the subway station steps or while boarding the subway. Subway riders are also vulnerable to assaults that may occur in or around the subway. At times, subway derailment or insufficient maintenance of the subway can result in sudden stops or collisions that could cause serious injury.

Bus Accidents

Buses run continuously in and around New York City. With the increase in the number of buses on the roads, along with the number of vehicles, bus and car accidents have become more common. Bus accidents can happen when a bus hits a vehicle, pedestrian, or stationary object. Causes of bus accidents range from insufficient maintenance and faulty parts to driver negligence and inclement weather.

Train Accidents

New York and the surrounding area has been the site of a few serious train accidents in recent years. Trains travel at high rates of speed, and while accidents remain uncommon, passengers are at serious risk should a crash occur. Train accidents can result from operator fatigue, operator negligence, or mechanical failures.

Filing a Claim Against New York City

Filing a personal injury claim against a city or municipality presents some unique challenges. Before you can file a lawsuit for damages against a local government agency, you must first file a notice of claim within 90 days from the accident. The notice must include your information, nature of the claim, and details of your damages. The government is then provided with 30 days to investigate the matter before you can file suit. Anyone injured while riding public transport should seek the assistance of a municipal liability claims attorney to assist them with the complex process of obtaining relief from a government agency.

Posted in: Personal Injury Law


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